Gardening Granny

Gardening and Preserving Food

Monday, May 3, 2010

We've been working in the garden

Well, I have not posted on here as much as I would have liked-- but with good reasons. For one, after a visit from Jeff's sister a few weeks ago, my camera was MIA-- so although we were working in the gardens, I could not take photos!

Also, it has been crazy busy.

But we have made tons of progress! Nina, Tashia and I have been outside most sunny days, often putting in 8-10 hours at a time. The transformation is exciting!

We had perimeter gardens along the fence in the back but they got overgrown with last year's neglect. Nina offered to clear those and did so with Tashia's help. We now have veggie plots and flowers growing there. We had to put up 4-foot wire fencing in front of the plants to keep the dogs from trampling them.

Here's some pics of how that project progressed.

This pic shows how the beds along the fence line have been taken over by a ground cover called "ajuga" and also weeds.

Tashia and Nina weeding with a little moral support from Zeke

The weeds are gone and the veggies are planted!

Nina watering the veggies and flowers!

One thing that has been annoying me is the weeds and grass that have grown around the pavers on the garden paths. I have been removing the pavers one section at a time, thoroughly weeding, and replacing all of the pavers with creeping thyme planted between them.

Some of the Thyme is bare root so I will have to wait and see if it takes hold. Others I got as live plants at a local nursery, Marcucio's, in Derby! What a gorgeous place!

I need more Creeping Thyme to finish the project. They ordered it for me and it should be in next week. I will post some pics now that I found my camera again.

I will post again soon!